Hidden Love

“Better is an open reprimand of loving correction than love that is hidden.” (Amp.) Proverbs 27:05

   Bishop TD Jakes whilst talking about his book “Crushing” on Pastor Patrick Furtick’s Talk Show said something that has never left my mind since:

“reading is to hear your writer think. When you hear your writer think, it impregnates you with thoughts, until you start thinking things that are not even in the book.”

This is one of those moments. Hearing the wisest king who ever lived, Solomon, think got me pregnant, in the head. And I have come to believe that hidden love is no love at all. Let’s take a mental walk together…

What is the need to love me if you won’t let me know you love me?

    Imagine parents who are proud of you but do not tell you how much they are proud of you. Imagine siblings who idolize you, value you, and hold you in high esteem but hardly tell you. Imagine friends who love and cherish you, friends who enjoy the atmosphere your character creates, friends who enjoy and admire you in profound ways but do not actually tell you.

They keep it hidden, never consciously letting you know it.

Would you actually call this true love? Hardly!

    Let’s see things from the other side a little. Do your parents know how much you care? Do you tell them? Do you consciously show them? What about your siblings? Let them know how much they have influenced you since you have known them. You have known some of your siblings all your life and you have known some all their lives. Do they know how you feel about all of that? You have friends. Do you confess to them how much you love them or do keep them wondering if you really care?

    But you may be tempted to ask, “Must I tell them I love them? Must I tell them I care? Can’t they just read the signs and understand that I love them?” Communication; it is boils down to communication. Borrowing the words of Martin Luther King Junior: 

“In the end, It matters not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.”
You would obviously be suspicious of the genuineness of the love of another if you are hardly aware of it. Hidden love is not really love.

    Death; let’s talk a little about death. (Fret not; this section is not another version of My Funeral. Though, if you haven’t read My Funeral yet, please do. It will help you gain perspective for the remainder of your days). When someone dies, (s)he gets to be shown love that is seeming equal to or greater than the sum total of the love (s)he was shown during their entire lifetime. Why wait to express your love for them only when they will never know? Why not express love now? Why wait till when they have no connection with the living for you to say and show how much they meant to you? They will never know. You lose. Why let the death of the ones you love and cherish be your sole inspiration to express your love for them?  Rather, let the thought of their mortality and yours inspire you to love and let them know you love them.

    I believe if you actively walked with me, you should be pregnant in the head already. It is a cycle; a cycle of hidden love. Break the cycle of hidden love and embrace the cycle of genuine expression of love.

Hidden love is no love at all.


  1. Replies
    1. The words are so powerful. The words build me up, strengthen me and educate me both morally and spiritually.
      Thanks sir

  2. Excellent write up. Thanks bro. So inspiring

  3. Truth be told, am pregnant already with thoughts about expressing love.

  4. Truth be told, am pregnant already with thoughts about expressing love.

  5. Awesome thoughts put down here in written form Vic. Love can only be known if it is expressed or carefully communicated. People we deal with everyday are not magicians to just know that u love them. It can also be expressed in action but best if communicated. U only really get to know how someone is feeling if they tell u. Great job Dear.

  6. I am quite happy knowing the post reached out and touched you in the right places.

  7. Beautiful read Mr K,love it, especially the quote reference

  8. I'm going to break that circle of hidden love by God's grace. Thank you for sharing


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